Your Ultimate Mission Briefing
As the enemy wages war against the Lord’s army and the world hurls toward the Second Coming of Christ, God has a unique Kingdom deployment for each of us.
Highlighting both the urgency and divine opportunity of these difficult days, retired U.S. Army colonel David Giammona and Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist Troy Anderson initiate you into God’s army. With sharp clarity and motivating biblical instruction, this hands-on manual prepares you to
· discern your divine destiny and mission
· develop your hidden spiritual gifts
· walk in supernatural power, protection and provision
· glean wisdom from U.S. military intelligence tactics and strategies
· employ powerful techniques and disciplines used by biblical heroes
· find your place in the greater mission to help bring in the end-times harvest
Rather than huddle in fear and uncertainty, you can live with boldness and security, walking by faith as a dynamic, purpose-filled, fully armored warrior of God. You are not just a bystander in these extraordinary times–you are a crucial and remarkable part of God’s divine plan.
“Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson have sounded the battle cry to prepare. This inspirational book will help you discover your divine destiny and mission as the world watches events unfold, leading to the glorious return of Jesus our Messiah.”
Jonathan Bernis, CEO and president, Jewish Voice Ministries International
“An incredibly relevant and timely book for the disorienting times in which we live. Mission, purpose, and calling, which are divinely guided and empowered, are essential to effectively serving God and others in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. David Giammona and Troy Anderson are uniquely qualified to guide us in exploring the deepest existential questions we face enroute to discovering the unique mission and purpose God has for each of us. Your Mission in God’s Army is an essential tool to achieve the apostle Paul’s powerful resilience and mission focus–‘I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.’”
Major General Robert F. Dees, U.S. Army, retired; president, National Center for Healthy Veterans; author, The Resilience Trilogy
“Col. David J. Giammona and Troy Anderson present a compelling vision of God’s army and what it means to be a true follower of Jesus Christ. Blending spiritual wisdom with real-world stories, this book calls every believer to wholeheartedly commit to their divine assignment. If you want to impact the world for the Kingdom, you need this book.”
Jimmy Evans, founder, EndTimes.com; author, Tipping Point: The End Is Here
“In a world filled with chaos, this book is a beacon of hope and direction. Your Mission in God’s Army equips you with the tools to discover your unique role in God’s plan. Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson masterfully merge military strategy and biblical wisdom to empower believers for these crucial times.”
Cynthia Garrett, TV host, author, producer, social activist, political commentator, evangelist, and speaker
“Your Mission in God’s Army pairs biblical wisdom with real-world experience. Too many Christians today unthinkingly adopt a worldly definition of success. Col. Giammona reorients your thinking, gives you clear action steps, and deepens your love for Christ in the process. Read this book. Be challenged. Be changed!”
Dr. Robert Jeffress, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Dallas
“This book is a strategic masterpiece! Ronald Reagan said, ‘Without God, there is no prompting of the conscience.’ Men and women of conscience are called to this fight. Your Mission in God’s Army is a timely and urgent battle cry for Christians to rise up with courage and purpose. Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson are your guides to discerning your divine assignment and navigating the spiritual battlefield.”
Chris Salcedo, TV host, NewsMax’s Chris Salcedo Show
“I’m stoked about Your Mission in God’s Army because it speaks to all of us about our role in these end times. I believe a book of this caliber and depth is needed today to strengthen and support those looking to discover their God-given purpose and assignment as biblical and world events unfold ever increasingly. Let’s keep fighting the good fight, because we’re at the tipping point. If there was ever a time to heed this call, it is now. A must-read!”
Kevin Sorbo, actor, God’s Not Dead and Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist
“David and Troy have put together an incredible manual to help Christians battle our way through cultural warfare. This book will equip you with the tools you need to thrive in these difficult days. Onward, Christian soldiers!”
Todd Starnes, bestselling author and journalist

Time Is Running Out–Are You Battle Ready?
Military leaders throughout history have used the strategy of deception to win wars–and Satan is a master strategist. He and his forces have enveloped the world in an unprecedented age of mass media disinformation, government psychological operations, social media censorship and other sophisticated mind-control techniques.
In this eye-opening book, military and religious expert Colonel David J. Giammona and Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist Troy Anderson equip you to recognize–and resist–the propaganda and deceptive ideologies infiltrating the Church and society.
The last days are coming. And if we don’t know how to fight the enemy’s pervasive lies, we will be swept away by them. Here are the powerful military and spiritual tactics you need to stand against the devil’s rampant deceptions and be a light to a world in darkness.
“This book will prepare you to recognize and counter deception not only in politics, religion, media and science but especially in yourself.”
Hugh Ross, astrophysicist; founder and president, Reasons to Believe
“I have had the privilege of teaching Bible eschatology at well-known seminaries and churches across the nation. Colonel David Giammona and Troy Anderson’s critically important emphasis on disarming deception makes the truth riveting, communicates sound doctrine and is never boring. You have made the truth come alive! The Military Guide to Disarming Deception is a must-read for laypeople as well as an incredible book for pastors to read along with their congregations!”
Dr. Paul McGuire, bestselling author
“We live at a time when deception is absolutely rampant. My hope is that this book will serve as a light in the darkness to multitudes of people. David and Troy share powerful scriptural principles in these pages, and I encourage everyone to get The Military Guide to Disarming Deception and to share it with their family and friends. We truly are living in the end times, and the level of deception in our society is only going to get worse.
Michael Snyder, founder, The Economic Collapse Blog; nationally syndicated writer and media personality
“The Military Guide to Disarming Deception is a summoning to the courageous and faithful disciples of our Lord. It skillfully shows how to pick up the sword of the Spirit and put on the whole armor of God, which is to put on Christ as our vestments of battle armor.”
Rev. Kevin Jessip, founder and president, The Return, The Renewal and the Global Strategic Alliance
“What I truly appreciate about The Military Guide to Disarming Deception is the detail the authors offer regarding how militaries actually operate to destroy their enemy and how as Christians we must learn these same tactics to defeat our enemies. Their descriptions about deception and indoctrination are eye-opening! Their discussion on complacency and subversion should be enough to motivate any true man or woman of God to action.”
Paul E. Pickern, executive director, All Pro Pastors International
“Jesus told His disciples, ‘Beware that no one deceives you’ (see Matthew 24:4). We live in a world saturated with deception and lies. There is an all-out assault on truth striving to control our everyday lives. We need a strategy to combat and expose the plan of the enemy. The Military Guide to Disarming Deception is exactly that. A winning strategy is a battle we all face and cannot afford to lose.”
Matt Hagee, lead pastor, Cornerstone Church
“Deception is a military tactic and the master deceiver uses it to wage war. This book shows us how to avoid these snares and stand firm against his lies and deception.”
Jimmy Evans, host, The Tipping Point
“David Giammona and Troy Anderson do a masterful job of pairing Scripture with modern military warfare that brings the Bible to life. I was educated, entertained and encouraged by their insights and the warnings that come straight from God’s Word.”
Ken Harrison, chairman, Promise Keepers
“Over the course of history, deception has been an essential tool in warfare. In order to have Issachar wisdom to discern the way we and our nation should go, we must have spiritual tools to cut through the fog of spiritual war to achieve godly perspective, right actions and true freedom. In The Military Guide for Disarming Deception, Colonel David Giammona and Troy Anderson have given us an essential resource–the arsenal we need to successfully navigate our prevailing culture of deception and be confident and victorious spiritual warriors.”
Major General Bob Dees, U.S. Army, retired; president, National Center for Healthy Veterans
“I believe deception has given rise to another gospel. Modern media and secularism have caused many to become lukewarm, and as such, many are being deceived. In The Military Guide to Disarming Deception, Colonel David Giammona and Troy Anderson prepare the Church with practical and spiritual tactics, techniques and procedures to help us navigate and discern the perilous times we are living in. Every believer must have this book in their last-day’s library to be battle ready!”
Jim Bakker, founder, PTL Television Network; host, The Jim Bakker Show
“Giammona and Anderson have done it again! They have put together a masterpiece that will inform, enlighten and challenge your beliefs regarding deception in the end times. This is a must-have book that will guide through the maze of deceit that has blinded the world and confused the Church.”
Dr. Thomas R. Horn, founder and CEO, SkyWatch TV
“The Military Guide to Disarming Deception pulls out all the stops and takes off the blinders for many who are in the midst of chaos and confusion. In a time of darkness and anxiety, Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson have done the research and work for you! Every chapter is chock-full of scriptural insight, wisdom and knowledge that will guide you through the night and into the glorious light of His presence.”
Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, president and CEO, Jewish Voice Ministries International

Where to Buy:
We Are at War Right Now
The forces of light and darkness are already lined up in battle array as the world moves closer to the end of the age.
Using spiritual warfare tactics and his own military experience on the battlefield, U.S. Army Colonel David J. Giammona and Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist Troy Anderson equip you as a believer to be battle ready.
This training manual will teach you to
· counter the darkness of approaching end-times forces
· develop your spiritual gifts so you can walk in the supernatural power and protection of the Holy Spirit
· move to a new level of spiritual warfare following biblical and military principles
· prepare for the intersection of biblical prophecy with real-time world events
Become fully equipped and trained in the weapons of spiritual warfare! You are gifted by the Holy Spirit–now be empowered, disciplined and courageous, ready to do battle with the forces of this present darkness in these last days.
U.S. Army chaplain Colonel David J. Giammona retired in 2018 after 32 years of military service. He is an end-times expert, scholar, author, writer and speaker who oversees the Warrior Refuge, a 46-acre ministry resort near Columbus, Georgia. Find out more at www.davidjgiammona.com and www.battle-ready.org.
Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and the bestselling co-author of The Babylon Code and Trumpocalypse. He writes for Reuters, Newsmax, Townhall and other media outlets. Find out more at www.troyanderson.us and www.prophecyinvestigators.org.
“Giammona and Anderson take readers on a deep, riveting journey into preparing for the perilous world of the end times with The Military Guide to Armageddon. This read is a grand slam!”
Dr. Robert Jeffress, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas; contributor, Fox News; adjunct professor, Dallas Theological Seminary; host, Pathway to Victory
“My emphasis has been and will always be the glory of God. His glory will be to strengthen us to survive the end times. But it is also necessary for us to prepare our life and soul for the end times. What a great spiritual balance to walk in the glory and to have the manual to prepare for the last scene of the last act of the last book of the Bible, Revelation!”
Sid Roth, host, It’s Supernatural!
“This book is not only the wake-up call needed for all believers, it is also a powerful spiritual preparation manual that unlocks for all of us how we should live in the last days. It is time for the church to wake up, put on the full armor of God and prepare for what’s ahead.”
Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, Jewish Voice Ministries International; host, Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis
“Giammona and Anderson have written a must-read for anyone who aspires to be a warrior for God in the end times. Read this book–and learn from the best.”
Dr. Thomas Horn, CEO, SkyWatch TV
“While so much of the Christian world today is content to hide its head in the sand and ignore the many clear warnings and exhortations of the Bible concerning the last days, The Military Guide to Armageddon is chock full of wisdom that will help the believer navigate the great challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.”
Joel Richardson, New York Times bestselling author, teacher, filmmaker
“Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson have written a must-read primer for anyone considering how to strengthen their walk with God in the end times.”
U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Robert F. Dees (Ret.), decorated U.S. army general; associate vice president, Military Outreach, and director, Institute for Military Resilience, at Liberty University; campaign chairman for Dr. Ben Carson; author, Resilience
“The Military Guide to Armageddon is one of the most important books I have read in a long time! This spiritually powerful and biblically balanced book is essential reading for any leader, man or woman who seeks to obey God’s call to be an effective spiritual warrior in these last days. This practical book will teach you how to be battle ready, effective and victorious as a spiritual warrior.”
Dr. Paul McGuire, bestselling author
“This is a very timely book, because the signs that Jesus instructed us to watch for just prior to His return are coming to pass right in front of our eyes. I strongly encourage everyone to buy this book and to share it with others. This guide will give you a better understanding of how the military chess pieces are moving into place, and it won’t be too long before a major conflict erupts. This is a time of wars and rumors of wars, and the authors have worked hard to give us some insight into what is really going on out there.”
Michael Snyder, The Most Important News
“Being a special operator in the Special Warfare Command of the U.S. Navy (ret.), I have a vested interest in war and its complexity. Chaplain Colonel Giammona has mastered the contrast of spiritual and physical war and their similarities with stellar clarity. The best book on end-time preparation I’ve ever read. Stunning.”
M. David Roever, D.D., founder, president, CEO, Operation Warrior RECONnect
Battle-Tested Strategies Basic Training Manual
Using spiritual warfare tactics and his own military experience on the battle-field, U.S. Army Colonel David J. Giammona and Pulitzer Prize–nominated journalist Troy Anderson equip you as a believer to be battle ready.
This study guide, which has been written to use as you read the book, The Military Guide to Armageddon, will teach you to
• counter the darkness of approaching end-times forces
• develop your spiritual gifts so you can walk in the supernatural power and protection of the Holy Spirit
• move to a new level of spiritual warfare following biblical and military principles
• prepare for the intersection of biblical prophecy with real-time world events
Become fully equipped and trained in the weapons of spiritual warfare! You are gifted by the Holy Spirit—now be empowered, disciplined and courageous, ready to do battle with the forces of this present darkness in these last days.
U.S. Army chaplain Colonel David J. Giammona retired in 2018 after 32 years of military service. He is an end-times expert, scholar, author, writer and speaker who oversees the Warrior Refuge, a 46-acre ministry resort near Columbus, Georgia. Find out more at www.davidjgiammona.com and www.battle-ready.org.
Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and the bestselling co-author of The Babylon Code and Trumpocalypse. He writes for Reuters, Newsmax, Townhall and other media outlets. Find out more at www.troyanderson.us and www.prophecyinvestigators.org.
Battle-Tested Strategies Basic Training Manual LEADER’S GUIDE
We are at war right now. The forces of light and darkness are already lined up in battle array as the world moves closer to the end of the age.
Using spiritual warfare tactics and his own military experience on the battlefield, U.S. Army Colonel David J. Giammona and Pulitzer Prize–nominated journalist Troy Anderson equip you as a believer to be battle ready.
Based on the bestselling book The Military Guide to Armageddon, this leader’s guide will show you how to lead your church or small group to
- counter the darkness of approaching end-times forces
- develop their spiritual gifts so they can walk in the supernatural power and protection of the Holy Spirit
- move to a new level of spiritual warfare following biblical and military principles
- prepare for the intersection of biblical prophecy with real-time world events
- Become fully equipped and trained in the weapons of spiritual warfare! You are gifted by the Holy Spirit—now be empowered, disciplined and courageous, ready to do battle with the forces of this present darkness in these last days.
U.S. Army chaplain Colonel David J. Giammona retired in 2018 after 32 years of military service. He is an end-times expert, scholar, author, writer and speaker who oversees the Warrior Refuge, a 46-acre ministry resort near Columbus, Georgia. Find out more at www.davidjgiammona.com and www.battle-ready.org.
Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and the bestselling co-author of The Babylon Code and Trumpocalypse. He writes for Reuters, Newsmax, Townhall and other media outlets. Find out more at www.troyanderson.us and www.prophecyinvestigators.org.